Aleksandra Garbal (1970)
Sacred Music
DDD – TT: 72’50”
©2018 – ℗29 X 2018
Recorded live: 1997, 2017, 2018
Piotr Biazik, accordion booklet: Aleksandra Garbal (Polish, English) Reviews: |
Fantasia for organ 'Z dawna Polski Tyś Królową '
Agnus Dei from 'Missa Pacem in terris' for contralto and organ
Adagio con espressione for soprano and chamber ensemble
Michelangelo’s poems for mezzo-soprano and piano
Von guten Mächten wunderbar geborgen
Hymnus ‘Caritas Christi urget nos’ for choir, bells, timpani and organ
Magnificat for soprano solo, piano and electronic media